Join the Charleston AGO
Click the button below if you would like more information on joining our chapter or you're ready to sign up! The link will take you to the National AGO website.
Renew Your Membership
Click the link below to renew your chapter membership through the National AGO website.
Join as a Chapter Friend
Chapter friends enjoy all the same privileges as members and are included in all chapter activities. They receive the monthly newsletter that spotlights organ performances in the Charleston area and our own special events. They are invited to the monthly Coffee with Nancy (Lefter) where we share a cup and catch up on each other’s news. They are invited to our lunches, dinners and cocktail hours. And our friends are especially appreciated at our musical events.
Young Artist Membership
Do you know any youth or children musicians that might be interested in joining the Charleston chapter? Maybe a student musician you are currently teaching? In an effort to draw the interest of our youth to the organ, the Charleston AGO has decided to offer FREE memberships to anyone under the age of 18. This is such an exciting opportunity for the young musicians in the Charleston area to become more involved, find a mentor or just learn about the king of instruments! Contact anyone from chapter leadership if you would like assistance in registering someone or to answer any questions you may have.